Our Mission

To connect, influence and share community through genuine Indigenous food experiences.

Our Vision

A world where Indigenous food is not a dish served for one but a cultural feast and celebration of Nations.

Our Purpose

ICAN’s purpose is to share with the world the many facets of Indigenous food, culinary and cultural experiences across each region of the country.

ICAN will do this by accurately connecting individual communities and regions while harnessing the entrepreneurial spirit of Indigenous people to build more genuine Indigenous culinary experiences.

Increased visibility and availability of these experiences will lead to a greater understanding and connection through tourism of Indigenous culture and the power of indigenous food.

ICAN will achieve this by collaborating with key industry partners via three pillars:


  • Communications & outreach
  • Select industry conferences
  • Taste of Turtle Island events
  • Digital marketplace


  • Indigenous community teaching generations of passed-down history
  • Entrepreneurial resource to move from idea to genuine Indigenous culinary experiences
  • Education resources for schools and influencers (programs, webinars, resources/materials & media continuing a foundation for our future)


  • Leadership Established through experience, referrals, & increased visibility
  • Chef appearances, competitions & training/mentoring
  • Effective Indigenous culinary story sharing via key opinion leaders and influencers including industry leaders and traditional and social media

ICAN Board Members and Staff

Paul Natrall, Squamish (Vancouver)

Paul Natrall

Board Chair, British Columbia Director

Christa Bruneau-Guenther, Peguis (Winnipeg)

Christa Bruneau-Guenther

Treasurer, Manitoba Director

Chris Commandant, Kanien’keha:ka of the Wahta Mohawks First Nation (living in Ottawa)

Chris Commandant

Secretary/Ontario Director

Marie-Cecile (Cezin) Nottaway, Algonquin Anishinaabe (Rapid Lake, Québec)

Marie-Cecile (Cezin) Nottaway

Vice Chair/Quebec Director

Scott Iserhoff, Attawapiskat First Nation (living and working in Edmonton, AB)

Scott Iserhoff

Alberta Director

Elijah Mack, Bella Coola, British Columbia (now living in Kamloops, B.C.)

Elijah Mack

Youth at Large Board Member

Métis Nation Saskatchewan

Jenni Lessard

Part Time Interim Executive Director